Winter Weather Procedures
In the event the Touchet School District has school delays or school cancellations due to weather conditions here is what to expect:
How will I know school is delayed/cancelled?
• TSD will send out a Messenger Notice
• TSD App Alert (you can find the Touchet App in the App Store)
• TSD Facebook Page
• TSD Website
• Flash Alert on local news channels
Inclement Weather Procedures for Outdoor Activities
When cold weather is upon us, buildings will access Accuweather© for the area
If either the “real feel” (which takes into account both wind chill and solar heat) or the actual temperature is below 15 degrees, buildings will make accommodations to house students inside for recess and/or pe pursuant to national guidelines (chart below).
The district will also ask that staff carefully monitor students while outside and take necessary steps to ensure students are appropriately clothed/prepared for the cold weather play, watching for signs of frostbite, other cold-related issues, and/or associated medical conditions that may require modifications to certain student situations.

The Touchet School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer and complies with all requirements of the ADA.
Guidelines for Outside Activities in Times of Poor Air Quality
When determining precautions to take during poor air quality conditions Touchet School District generally follows guidelines established by the Unites States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Center for Disease Control and Protection (CDC), and the Washington State Department of Ecology.
Touchet School District administration and staff will confer with and the Air Quality Index (AQI) to help guide their decision making around outside activities such as recess, physical education, and afterschool activities. In addition, consultation with the School District Nurse, Washington’s Air Monitoring Network, local health agencies, and other resources may be considered.
General Procedures:
• (Morning of): The superintendent or his/her designee will announce accommodations or modifications for outdoor/indoor activities for the school day prior to the start of school. This will be announced via email to all staff in addition to other social media communications.
• (Afternoon/Afterschool Activities): By midday, when feasible, the District Athletic and Activities Director or his/her designee will announce accommodations or modifications for all after-school district-directed outdoor activities. Coordination with WIAA, the Mid-Columbia Conference, and other governing activity associations may result in relocated contests, alternative practice areas, and canceling of specific practices and/or events. This will be announced via email to all staff in addition to other social media communications.
General Guidelines:
• When outside air quality conditions reach what is deemed “unhealthy” levels, the district will normally move all outside physical activities indoors.
• When prolonged outside poor air quality conditions are experienced, indoor air quality may also be affected. Supervising adults will initiate appropriate modifications to the activity levels indoors on a site specific basis due to varying levels of building condition and age of indoor air handling units.
See the Activity Guides to learn ways to protect your health when the AQI reaches unhealthy levels.