To the Citizens of Touchet:
On behalf of our board of directors, students and employees of the Touchet School District, I want to thank all of you who supported our recent replacement levy. If the preliminary numbers hold, we will be able to move forward with our budgetary planning for next year without interruption of services. Votes are certified on February 18, 2022.
With the passage of this levy, we will be able to continue to provide programs for our students that basic educational funding from the state does not support. These programs are critical to the ongoing development of our students from Kindergarten through graduation.
Our goal is to meet the needs of all students, whether they choose to continue their education after graduation by attending college, enrolling in trade or technical schools, enlist to serve our country, or seek employment in the job market. Our teachers and support staff work with all types of learners in our schools. They provide support, both inside and outside of the classroom.
Robert Elizondo
Superintendent, Touchet School District